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AKC Adams’ Jesting Jedi Jester

Jester is an AKC Standard Black Tri Australian Shepherd. Jester is extremely playful, with a medium herding drive. She has a glossy coat and two stunning blue eyes. Jester has a clear genetic panel through Canine Healthcheck.


AKC Kagan’s Rockin’ Rooster

Rooster is an AKC Red Tri Standard Australian Shepherd. Rooster is a true water dog and loves nothing more than swimming in the lake in the summer. Rooster is extremely intelligent and has a low herding drive. Rooster has a clear genetic panel through Wisdom Panel:

AKC Kyden’s Krimson Kyoti

Kyoti is a gorgeous Red Tri AKC Standard Australian Shepherd. She has minimal white on her coat and a low herding drive. Kyoti is more mischievous than her sister, Rooster, but is just as sweet and lovable! Rooster has a clear genetic panel through Wisdom Panel:


Monroe is our F1 Standard Goldendoodle girl, littermate to Brinkley. Monroe is mischievous, sweet, and stunning, inheriting a dark golden color from her Golden Retriever side. Monroe's parents are AKC Registered and health tested. Monroe is health tested, panel clear.

AKC Princess Piranha Elizabeth Adams

AKA "Pea"

Pea was our very first Toy Poodle and made us realize what a wonderful breed they are. While she may be small, Pea has a BIG personality and keeps us on our toes 24/7. She's an Apricot color and has a full clear panel through Optimal Selection.